McHeating Pad

I hurt in places I didn

About Wanda Argersinger


  1. Now that’s a creative use for hash browns. My only question… how did you learn to crochet while only an infant?

  2. Love it! I had the exact same thing happen to me with knitting – but I can’t stop! What IS it with those crafty things? I use it primarily as a writing avoidance strategy…and I get addicted to the repetitive motions even though a. I am not very good as my attention wanders and all is lost and b. my dog has sworn death to all knitting projects as they mean less time with him, so he routinely undoes them.

  3. Ah yes, mickey d’s. I go for the pancakes. I can well understand the yarn store problem. For me it’s beads. I don’t need pattern books as I design my own.

  4. Loved it!!! My favorite line was when your friend tried to drive away with your thumb stuck in her car door. It reminds you to keep it out of dangerous places. LOL!!!!! Great work.

  5. Ah, yes, I can so relate. I taught myself to crochet (at my mother’s insistence) many years ago by buying a kids’ instruction book. Then we had a blizzard, so I figured it was the perfect time to try to put the yarn and needles to use for the afghan I planned to do. I worked on it–ad arthritis-effect. After hours of crocheting, in the morning I could not pry my fingers open. Ivan asked me how I held my crochet hook and it fit in there perfectly. Since it was still blizzarding outside, I figured I might as well keep at it. I finished the whole afghan in less than a week. I still have it. It’s on the back of my sofa. A lot of people comment on it. And I still get a kink in my hand when I look at it! Never thought of a McDonald’s heating pad, but they were probably closed due to the blizzard anyway.

  6. Only you could make pain sound funny!!! I thought I was creative, but edible heating pads–that’s a new one!!!! Hope the thumb is better. In the meantime, maybe you better stock up on those portable, edible heating pads!!

  7. Hmm. I say, get a little thumb sized heating pad and feel free to stoke up on Hash Browns at Mickey D’s whenever the mood strikes you. God, I love those things. Specially with ketchup.

  8. So funny! And, so true. Crafting is an addiction. Currently I’m into cross-stitch and needlepoint. Love your thumb heating pad. I’ll have to get one. Yum!

  9. So I guess thumb wrestling is out of the question. haha

  10. Boy oh boy. I deep friend a lot of those heating pads when I was McWorker at 17.
    You nutbar. Do I need to buy you one of those microwave heating pad thingers? Do I?

  11. Ha, Ha, Ha. Those darn delicious hash brown’s will do the trick every time. But Wanda, the key is to order two orders of ’em.
    I may not crochet, heck I can barely spell the word- but Micky D’s is universal.

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