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No Guts, No Story

I guess most people would say there is a fine line between telling everything that happens to you for the sake of laughter and keeping a few secrets for the sake of well, whatever sake there may be.

About Wanda Argersinger


  1. I am still in hysterics over this story. Love it. You are the most wonderful writer! Love, Love, Love it

  2. Oh, Wanda, I am still laughing. I had similar instructions from my surgeon after I had bowel obstruction surgery many years ago. He told me, “I don’t care if you’re in front of the Queen of England, if you have to pass your gas, you go ahead and pass it.” I asked him (a very pious Catholic) “What if I was in front of the pope?” He grinned from ear to ear and said, “Well, in that case, just suck it in, girl!”

  3. So funny!! I needed those belly laughs this morning. The things doctors tell us to do after a strict WASP upbringing that declares farts and belches unladylike and do only do in a bathroom. Janet’s comment about the Pope is hilarious too.

  4. Hey Wanda! Please…fart.
    There. That’s the 2nd time.
    I’m still laughing, too. I think this is one of my favorites! Love it!

  5. Ok, do not read Wanda’s piece if you have just had a coke in McDonald’s. I cleared out the center section. Can’t help it. Cokes + funny writing = PHOOART! Haven’t laughed out loud in awhile. Thanks.

  6. Just when I think, ‘you can’t top that one’ here you come along and top it with something like this one! This is why I love working with you because you just call it like ya see it and Tracey is right, you are definitely NOT the shy type….

  7. Wanda, you are a riot! I’m glad you had the “gust and the guts”to git ‘er out.
    There is an ongoing debate among psychiatrists speculating about why humans have such a difficult time talking about a condition that has been with the human race for millions of years. They still have not reached a consensus.Everything is still “up in the air.”

  8. Oh, my, it brought it all back. I had my second dreaded colonoscopy this past year. For me, drinking all that concoction was worse than the actual procedure. I remember being up on that table thinking, “I can do this” it’s almost over for another how many years, when the doctor reminded me that since my birth father had colon cancer that he was recommending that I have the test more often. Your funny story will definitely help me to find the humor the next time around. Thanks for sharing and giving me permission to not hold all the air inside for days :).

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