It Just Isn

Getting underwear for Christmas is on the same excitement scale of receiving any more than one delivery of zucchini in the summer from your gardening neighbor.

Gardening neighbors can

About Wanda Argersinger


  1. I always buy my 25-year-old son some “novelty” boxers for Christmas. You know, something with flames or dollars or guitars or smiley faces on them. However, being my son, he actually wears them and has been known to share with me comments he gets. The boy has never had any modesty!

    Tell your neighbors to grow tomatoes. You can never get too many of those!

  2. Ah, yes, even the churches get in on this–both the zucchini and the underwear. I couldn’t believe it when they announced–from the pulpit, no less–that in two weeks it was “underwear Sunday” and everyone was invited to bring underwear (NEW, they specified, which really made me chuckle) for homeless people. I suppose it made some sort of sense, but IN CHURCH?

    And now that I have moved from ND to WI, the underie Sunday hasn’t found its way into the church I attend, but all summer long there were huge bags of zucchini that magically appeared on a bench in the foyer with a big sign that proclaimed “Help yourself.”

    I like zucchini. I really do. Up to a point. I have wondered why there isn’t an abundance of tomatoes or lettuce that shows up for the taking. It would be much more appealing.

    As for the underwear, if that includes sexy lingerie (nightgowns, negligees, etc.), I’m all for it. Or if the Victoria’s Secret bras really made you look like those gals when you put it on…

    Ah, well, Santa, you have my list. And there is no zucchini or underwear on it.
    Janet Elaine Smith, multi-genre aughto

  3. Personally, I think burying the underwear is a great idea. Perhaps it will grow underwear plants and vines.

    I enjoyed this column. Reminds me of our season of mango overload.

  4. We get the squash up here in Carolina.I’m glad you mentioned the food pantry.I’ll pass it on to them from now on.

    Joyce,I love your idea of tomatoes. I think I’ll drop a few hints to my gardening neighbors.

  5. Cute – not sure what to say about the underwear but you should get together with your other recipient-of–zucchini neighbors and start canning or pickling them and of course return them to the giver. haha Good thing the same thing can’t be done with the underwear – then again, let me think about it – I might come up with something if you’re really desperate.

  6. Wanda, You know it just is’nt Christmas without underware! I still have my footie pj’s you got me and i ware them all while other’s laugh. But i don’t care cause i love them!

  7. Do you know Snowmen never wear any underwear? Only beautiful knit hats given to them by their southern Lovers.

  8. So funny, Wanda!! Thanks for the giggles. Perhaps you could wrap the zucchini in the underwear and get rid of two problems at once. 🙂

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